Best Washington Unified Schools

Washington Unified School District2013 API2012 API
Bridgeway Island Elementary886882
Sacramento Valley Charter837858
Southport Elementary821835
Westmore Oaks Elementary804811
Stonegate Elementary802778
American Union Elementary798810
West Fresno Elementary767767
River City High730739
Riverbank Elementary725718
Elkhorn Village Elementary724708
Westfield Village Elementary690722
Washington High664667
West Fresno Middle663705
West Sacramento Early College Prep Charter611646
W. E. B. DuBois Public Charter590579
Yolo High510406
Anchor Academy Charter507513
Easton Community Day
Easton Continuation High
Elm High
Evergreen Elementary
Evergreen Middle
West Sacramento School for Independent Study

B: School did not have a valid 2012 API Base and there is no Growth or target information.

C: School had significant demographic changes and there is no Growth or target information.