Best Santa Rosa City Schools Schools

Santa Rosa City Schools School District2013 API2012 API
Santa Rosa Accelerated Charter964969
Hidden Valley Elementary Satellite898917
Rincon Valley Middle892913
Proctor Terrace Elementary887898
Santa Rosa Charter885904
Santa Rosa French-American Charter (SRFA875B
Maria Carrillo High866864
Santa Rosa Charter School for the Arts853851
Mesa High813736
Herbert Slater Middle803817
Santa Rosa High801793
Helen M. Lehman Elementary795790
Luther Burbank Elementary789795
Montgomery High789791
Santa Rosa Middle788833
Albert F. Biella Elementary774761
Steele Lane Elementary758761
Brook Hill Elementary738758
Piner High737701
James Monroe Elementary734723
Abraham Lincoln Elementary727730
Hilliard Comstock Middle724734
Lawrence Cook Middle707698
Elsie Allen High680660
Ridgway High (Continuation)653633
Grace High564B
Kid Street Learning Center Charter559659
Midrose High511564
Abraxis Charter495423
Lewis Opportunity425354
Nueva Vista High360574

B: School did not have a valid 2012 API Base and there is no Growth or target information.

C: School had significant demographic changes and there is no Growth or target information.