Best Siskiyou County Schools

Siskiyou County School Districts2013 API2012 API
Gazelle Union Elementary859788
Scott Valley Unified843831
McCloud Union Elementary836824
Seiad Elementary832863
Mt. Shasta Union Elementary827839
Little Shasta Elementary820797
Yreka Union Elementary814820
Butteville Union Elementary809854
Grenada Elementary800819
Montague Elementary794805
Yreka Union High785790
Big Springs Union Elementary780795
Dunsmuir Elementary772758
Hornbrook Elementary767812
Happy Camp Union Elementary765752
Willow Creek Elementary755691
Siskiyou Union High735762
Delphic Elementary732848
Junction Elementary732755
Butte Valley Unified730747
Dunsmuir Joint Union High723629
Weed Union Elementary715741
Siskiyou County Office of Education
Bogus Elementary
Forks of Salmon Elementary
Klamath River Union Elementary