Best Palm Springs Unified Schools

Palm Springs Unified School District2013 API2012 API
Cielo Vista Charter903888
Rio Vista Elementary883859
Katherine Finchy Elementary881880
Rancho Mirage Elementary844840
Sunny Sands Elementary829833
Landau Elementary819840
James Workman Middle802809
Cahuilla Elementary784816
Vista del Monte Elementary780745
Palm Springs High767775
Della S. Lindley Elementary760779
Bella Vista Elementary753773
Julius Corsini Elementary752765
Nellie N. Coffman Middle750750
Raymond Cree Middle745753
Agua Caliente Elementary741762
Cathedral City High738728
Bubbling Wells Elementary735761
Two Bunch Palms Elementary732743
Cathedral City Elementary724714
Desert Springs Middle716687
Cabot Yerxa Elementary694690
Painted Hills Middle686650
Desert Hot Springs High672666
Mt. San Jacinto High528481
Ramon Alternative Center510414
Father's Heart Charter501561
Center for Learning and Development

B: School did not have a valid 2012 API Base and there is no Growth or target information.

C: School had significant demographic changes and there is no Growth or target information.