Best Garden Grove Unified Schools

Garden Grove Unified School District2013 API2012 API
Ethan B. Allen Elementary987981
Patton Elementary941935
Sarah McGarvin Intermediate930929
Loyal Barker Elementary926943
Hilton D. Bell Intermediate915921
John Murdy Elementary908890
A. J. Cook Elementary895885
Sunnyside Elementary882892
La Quinta High879879
Garden Park Elementary877899
Post Elementary873886
Parkview Elementary873868
Excelsior Elementary867872
Donald S. Jordan Intermediate865857
Merton E. Hill Elementary861865
Pacifica High858864
Susan B. Anthony Elementary857883
Enders Elementary855845
Stanford Elementary843859
John Marshall Elementary840871
Thomas Paine Elementary840865
Ocia A. Peters Elementary839B
Gilbert Elementary839825
Morningside Elementary836837
James Irvine Intermediate835840
Leo Carrillo Elementary835831
Louis Lake Intermediate830831
Bolsa Grande High830826
Faylane Elementary830826
R. F. Hazard Elementary829839
Riverdale Elementary825782
Agnes Ware Stanley Elementary822829
Alamitos Intermediate821821
Dr. Walter C. Ralston Intermediate820823
Mamie L. Northcutt Elementary819834
Ethel M. Evans Elementary816831
Rosita Elementary815817
Garden Grove High810808
Mitchell Elementary809795
Louis G. Zeyen Elementary807797
Leroy L. Doig Intermediate804775
Brookhurst Elementary803833
James Monroe Elementary799824
Ernest O. Lawrence Elementary799814
Woodbury Elementary798802
Linton T. Simmons Elementary797821
Bryant Elementary793776
Earl Warren Elementary786794
Izaak Walton Intermediate786783
Stephen R. Fitz Intermediate782783
C. C. Violette Elementary778766
Clinton-Mendenhall Elementary777782
Heritage Elementary774802
Newhope Elementary773797
Rancho Alamitos High770770
Jordan Secondary Learning Center760B
Wakeham Elementary759747
Skylark Elementary754770
Genevieve M. Crosby Elementary752763
Santiago High749749
Mabel Carver Elementary736755
Los Amigos High726749
Dwight D. Eisenhower Elementary725753
Edward Russell Elementary724754
Mark Twain Special Center637657
Marie L. Hare High545567
Lincoln High Continuation

B: School did not have a valid 2012 API Base and there is no Growth or target information.

C: School had significant demographic changes and there is no Growth or target information.