Best Pasadena Unified Schools

Pasadena Unified School District2013 API2012 API
Sierra Madre Elementary905914
Pasadena Rosebud Academy878910
Hamilton Elementary866901
Don Benito Fundamental866895
Willard Elementary859869
Daniel Webster856841
San Rafael Elementary834780
Aveson School of Leaders826826
Longfellow (Henry W.) Elementary823828
Celerity Exa Charter810B
Field (Eugene) Elementary785787
Franklin Elementary781777
Washington Accelerated Elementary771810
Marshall Fundamental765766
Altadena Elementary760783
Pasadena High744748
Jackson Elementary742768
Jefferson Elementary731742
Aveson Global Leadership Academy723750
Madison Elementary714713
Cleveland Elementary712754
Blair High710707
Woodrow Wilson Middle702723
Washington Middle680698
Charles W. Eliot Middle649696
John Muir High618635
CIS Academy592592
Learning Works493573
Rose City High (Continuation)422510
Norma Coombs Alternative

B: School did not have a valid 2012 API Base and there is no Growth or target information.

C: School had significant demographic changes and there is no Growth or target information.